Soundscapes for ... Gatherings Guided Hikes Meditation Soundtracks

Azura is released for streaming

Who was Azura?

Azura is the daughter of Adam and Eve and was married to Seth. As the feminine half of Seth/Azura she is the gateway to non-duality, and is God’s response to Cain and Able. By rebalancing the feminine and the masculine she helps us manifest through our passions when we turn inward. She is the ultimate why. She awaits a new humanity at Nature’s Edge.

Earlier music can be purchased at Bandcamp

At Nature’s Edge
Our collective reconnection to Nature has begun. We find our true relationship with Nature through whole body listening that goes beyond our five senses so that what we hear and the process of listening merge. We become Nature’s message and gain access to Nature’s gifts of innocence, beauty, trust and wonder. 
Like us, Nature is constantly emerging through the interplay between mother and father energies in an ongoing dance, flowing like water over stone. Through Nature we learn our true natural identity. That identity then becomes our way of life.  
Nature’s Edge is the meeting point of elements where creation arises; where the snow meets the sun; where the clouds pour over the divide, where the plants burst from the soil. We are Nature’s Edge, the meeting point of our breathing inward, and then back out, and the contraction and expansion of our hearts. From Nature’s Edge comes the miracle of our story, our song, and our dance proclaiming our divinity.

Listening Hikes

Off trail guide services providing an immersive experience exploring whatever magic nature wants to teach us


Musical Enchantment

Nature’s Edge Music provides a beautiful ambiance for any event or setting